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Photographs and Live Concert Excerpts

Contrapunctus Early Music

"He Shall Feed His Flocks/Come Unto Him" from Messiah

(G. F. Handel, 1685-1759)

Live recording from the concert

"Angel Voices Ever Singing... Volume II" 

Jay White (countertenor) and Judith Acres (soprano)

at The Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, Cleveland, OH

Greg Heislman, organ

Contrapunctus Early Music - A High Voices Ensemble

The Hymns of St. Godric (12th c, MS Royal 5.F.vii)

Transcribed & Edited by Judith Overcash Acres

Live recording from the concert

"Angel Voices Ever Singing... Volume II" 

with Judy Rubin, Gail West, Lisa Foster & Ashley Lingenhoel

at The Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, Cleveland, OH

Judith Acres, soprano

Judith Acres, soprano


The King's Counterpoint

The King's Counterpoint

JAA | James Bowman

JAA | James Bowman

"The Remarkable Mr. Henry Purcell" with James Bowman, countertenor | Counterpoint, Buckfast Abby, 2013 | Under the direction of David Acres

KCP in Wells Cathedral

KCP in Wells Cathedral

The King's Counterpoint served as Choir in Residence at Wells Cathedral (Wells, Somerset, UK) in July, 2016.

Judith Acres

Judith Acres

Contrapunctus Early Music

Contrapunctus Early Music

High Voices Ensemble, The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 2015

JAA | Contrapunctus

JAA | Contrapunctus

"Angel Voices Ever Singing", 2014 | Contrapunctus, under the direction of David Acres

TKC Chamber Ensemble

TKC Chamber Ensemble

Following Live Broadcast, December 2014

JAO | "City of Angels"

JAO | "City of Angels"

Hudson Players, 2010

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